Lochbroom & Ullapool Community Trust

Lochbroom & Ullapool Community Trust (LUCT) is one of Scotland’s 350+ local development trusts. Our aim is to support current and future communities of Lochbroom and Ullapool to thrive.



Become a Member

LUCT is a ‘not-for-profit’ social enterprise with charitable status. Anyone resident in the Lochbroom catchment area, from Gruinard in the South to Elphin in the north, is eligible for membership, which is free. Just submit your information.

We will use this to contact you regarding membership issues. We will not share your information with any third parties.

Tick the box below your email address to also permit us to keep you updated with our news, meetings, events, consultations, useful information.

We respect your privacy and are fully GDPR compliant. If you wish to be removed from our membership list you can email us to do so at any time.

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